We are very excited for WA-STI 2023! This year’s programming will include transition-focused workshops, panels, speakers, and an opportunity for professional networking and planning.

The check-in and registration for WA-STI will start at 1:00 p.m. on August 01 in the lobby of the Wenatchee Convention Center. The main kick-off event will start at 4:00 p.m. on August 01 in the Wenatchee Convention Center. WA-STI will conclude at 12:00 p.m. on August 03.

Transition on Rocket Boosters!

<<View agenda as PDF>>

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

1:00-4:00Registration (Lower Red Lobby) and hotel check-in
4:00-4:30Kick-Off: Welcome (Orchard Hall)
4:30-5:30Welcome Address: "It Takes a Team: DVR and Schools Working Together", Dr. Cinda Johnson
5:30-7:00Dinner and Networking

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

8:00-9:00Breakfast (Orchard Hall)
9:00-9:15Welcome to Day 2 (Orchard Hall)
9:15-10:15Keynote: “To the Moon and Back: Working Together to Improve Outcomes”, Dr. Mary Morningstar
10:30-11:30Workshop #1
Golden Delicious

Leveraging the Power of Post-School Outcome Data: School Teams and DVR

Elaine Marcinek and Jay Shepherd
Workshop #2
Gala 1-2

Leveraging Rural Strengths and Developing Community Partnerships

Drs. Josh Taylor and Holly Whittenburg
Workshop #3
Gala 3-4

Building Equity into Transition Practice and Service Delivery

Dr. James Sinclair
12:45-1:45Workshop #4
Golden Delicious

Promoting Partnerships Leading to Positive Postschool Outcomes

Dr. Mary Morningstar
Workshop #5
Gala 1-2

CTE Graduation Pathways, HSBPs, and the Foundation of Hope for "At Promise" Young Adults

Dr. Kimberly Hetrick
Workshop #6
Gala 3-4

Mental Health, Disability, Supports and Transitions to Recovery

Jonathan Beard
2:00-3:00Workshop #7
Golden Delicious

School-Based Transition Services in Washington: Using Data from the TSAT to Understand and Address Gaps in Services

Dr. Marcus Poppen
Workshop #8
Gala 1-2

Engaging Students in Meaningful Conversations about Work: The Why and the How

Dr. Anya Sheftel
Workshop #9
Gala 3-4

Supporting Meaningful Work and Self-Determination for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Dr. James Sinclair
4:00-6:00Semi-Structured Networking Event (heavy hors d'oeuvres)

Thursday, August 03, 2023

8:00-9:00Breakfast (Orchard Hall)
9:00-9:15Welcome to Day 3 (Orchard Hall)
9:15-11:30Facilitated Discussion and Planning (Orchard Hall)
11:30-12:00Closing Remarks and Send Off (Orchard Hall)

Additional Information